Sunday, July 27, 2008

Unconditional Love - Final Part

Ok all this has been very confusing to write. So here is a summary. Unconditional love is rare but not impossible. It’s a higher level of love and is divine. It is easy to say that you love someone unconditionally but you need to ask yourself could you love this person if for some reason they could not remain with you? Could you give your love to this person with no expectations, not even that the love will be returned or even recognized? Can you love this person for no other reason than there is simply no other option available to you? If you can answer a resounding (and honest) yes to all of the above then you are experiencing unconditional love. But before you say that be sure that you will be put to test and God will find a way to test you. To know and understand unconditional love you have to experience the conditional type first and then only you can begin to comprehend the phenomenon of unconditional love by CONTRAST. You will get unconditional love in your life when you ready for it – ready to love unconditionally FIRST. So you have to cross the barriers of jealousy, possessiveness, surrender completely, trust love completely and feel beyond the body. So that your love become self sufficient and loving unconditionally is sufficient. You are able to give love freely without the need to receive any.

I had been avoiding the introduction of “karma” in the discussions of unconditional love but now I know it is not possible to keep it out of discussion. Unconditional love is rare only because of unfinished “karma” between partners. Our karmic lessons and the karmic debts between the partners almost make it impossible that there will be unconditional love between any two partners. Because they have to teach other lessons of unconditional love and that can only happen by first experiencing conditional love. To cut a long story short, karma makes it difficult for unconditional love. So for unconditional love to happen it has to be between two partners that do not have any karma between them.


Nam said...

Hello Binay.
One question: If there is karmic debt between the two individuals, but unknown to them, can that be a hindrance to unconditional love?

binay shukla said...

Hi Namrata, thanks for reading and leavuing a comment. But karmic debt is always unknown isnt it? That is what the "test" in this life is all about. You get another chance next life where the same situation appears (as in the example of Karma article) and the test is whether X will make the needless slap on Y again or not. If X doesnt then X has passed. Karma is a "tool" for soul evolution and growth. You learn by evaluating (as a soul) the causses and effects of your actions. Yes if there is past karmic debt between two individuals, then there will be situations where things could be difficult but if they have the maturity they can overcome and release the karmic debt and not fall into the "debt trap". There is no way you can "know" all your karmic debt on this plane. That is why you are on this planet in this incarnation !!!! If you need more info talk to me. So thats why unconditional love is not so easy unless you happen to find your twin flame (which is rare on this planet) but then that is actually the same soul split into two so its so falling in love with yourself !!. But then it is divine love more on the spiritual plane rather than the physical plane and happens with divine timing probably when you are done with all your karma and have understood Love and now God is calling you back.