Love is sufficient unto love _ Kahlil Gibran wrote that.
Ok. This one is tough. I have to be careful while writing this because I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot..(yes I meant foot..what did you think !!!!). When I say “beyond body” I do not mean abstinence so don’t get me wrong. And am I glad that my wife does not read my blogs ?. All I mean to say is that do not equate love with the sexual or the physical aspect alone. Actually, unconditional and pure love need not have anything to do with the body at all. Yes, love is expressed physically (and can be wonderfully done when in a state of higher love) but it is actually way beyond physical.
The purest motive for sex should arise from an overflow of pure unselfish energies towards your partner and then only one can reach unfathomable heights – expressed mutually and unselfishly of course. This rarely happens and the key word is “mutual”. Most of the time it is not so and that’s why phrases such as “doing it”, “are you getting it” etc etc are in use and denote an insecure way of seeking self satisfaction. Again this leads to more and more possessiveness and becomes less and less mutual and more of a necessity to feel secure through physical expression and is selfish by nature. This is a vicious cycle because the more and more you get attached to expressing love through this aspect alone, the less freely you are able to give and receive love and the need to then possess the other person keeps increasing.
This takes the love to a position where it is dependent upon external factors for its existence. Love is something internal and should flow outside without any conditions and therefore I mean it is beyond body. Pure love should not be dependent upon our own desires or expected behavioural patterns from our partners or else it is conditional. Yes, love is indeed sufficient unto Love.
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