The universe follows two simple rules.
All events have to follow the law of Karma (briefly explained below)
No one can be made to bear what is unbearable in the final analysis (there may be times when this may appear to be so but will not be when the picture is complete)
The universe works like a necklace weaver. It threads together beads. And the beads are nothing but events in our lives (both big and small) that appear to be mutually exclusive (unconnected) but they are all leading us to our own destiny. It knows what we want but takes its time and tests our faith in its ability. It works in secrecy and never shows us all the beads that it has for us. The beads are the gains and the pains that we undergo to reach our destiny. Even before we know what we want at the end the universe knows and works on giving it to us. Yes, as we grow and experience things in our life and change as a result, our wants keep changing. The universe too keeps changing the beads to give us the necklace we want. Remember, the beads are events that happen in our lives – painful or joyful. We only see the beads in isolation….i.e. we think that most events are not related and have no idea about how they are being woven and start complaining or wish something against what the universe has planned for us. However, the events in our lives are not mutually exclusive (and this applies across past lives) and we are able to see how they are linked together only after the Universe has strung the seemingly unrelated events (both minor and major) together into a necklace for us.
It tests and reserves the very best of its necklaces to those that can stand the test. It’s a test of our faith we have in the Universe’s ability to give us the necklace we want. When it starts picking out the beads from its stock and threading them our test in its ability starts. It deliberately starts with the beads that bring us pain. It also keep throwing in the joyful beads in but the painful ones are made to stand out. Giving us an illusion that painful events are all linked but the joyful ones are random, doing its best to shake our faith. Once we lose the faith that at the end of it all the necklace we will get will balance out all the joys and sorrows and will be the one we so badly wanted in the first place, it turns away and moves on taking the remaining joyful beads that were in its hand but we never saw because we could not keep faith and did not have the patience to let it finish.
The painful beads are like the costs the Universe takes from us upfront for making the necklace type we asked for. Most of the costs come upfront. That is the test. If we start complaining about the costs already incurred and therefore do not think there will be enough gains (the joyful beads in the necklace) to justify the costs incurred we end up losing faith and end up losing what was destined for us. The universe gives up on us because we have given up on its ability to give us what we want.
It is a master weaver which ties neatly all the seemingly unconnected events in our lives into a neat necklace for us but all it asks for in return is patience and faith in its ability to do so. The universe makes it turns mysteriously and does things that are incomprehensible but it is always for the best of reasons. Imagine a master painter that we have commissioned to make a grand picture. The painter is expensive, extremely slow, and takes the money upfront (no refunds permitted) with no promise of a complete picture and with a take it or leave it deal. Worth it? What if the painter could read our thoughts and therefore had the capability of knowing exactly the picture we wanted even if we were unsure or were scared to admit. What if it is so happy with us for accepting, without complaining, all of its tough conditions that it actually paints a grander picture than we could have asked for? Worth it? Yes. Just remember the paint brush and the colors it uses are drawn from your faith in its ability. Lose them and the painting cant be completed. Only you don’t get to see what the final picture would have been. We are left with the smaller incomplete picture because that is what we saw and the bigger but complete picture disappears somewhere in this vast universe never to manifest in reality.
More often than not, when we give up, the substantial costs (events) have already been incurred and the painful events in our lives have already happened. What remains are the gains with minimal costs but we interfere in the Universe’s ability to create its miracles. It takes time to make the necklace you want and it does it using the string of your faith. Lose the faith, and the beads fall off just as they would if the string is taken off from a necklace. Only this time, we never get to see the beads (events) that the universe had in its hand for us in the future. All that remains with us is the cost. No refunds. Cost will not REFUND. Costs are yrs to keep without the balance of the gains that you could have in this life.
The costs are karmic which means they are meant to happen anyway as they are debts of past lives that have to be repaid but we cant and don’t see it that way. Only the universe can see all our past lives and the accumulated negative and the positive karma and therefore in order to give the necklace we want it has to balance out the negative karmas first. That’s the Law of Karma. That’s why the costs come first.
Remember the universe is bound by karmic law.. And therefore has to work slowly and surely so that it does not violate the two rules above. It cannot wish away your karmic debt, it has to ask you to repay them (incur costs). If you do not want the costs then in cant paint the picture you want for you. Therefore bear the incidents that happen in this life – they are part of the bigger picture which you will be able to see only when the picture is complete. Also remember that the Universe is also bound by rule 2 and it will compensate. Everything in the end will be worth it.
So the test is to see if you are worthy of receiving the beads (events) you want. The weak falter in this test and collapse and are left with the costs. The strong stay on patiently and watch the most spectacular things in their life take place. It’s like staying awake the whole night to watch the morning dew and then giving up and turning away just as the dawn breaks. Before you turn away just look behind once and you will see how the morning dewdrops from the green grass and the brown soil have been picked up and woven into a lovely necklace of precious pearls. Ever seen a white pearl necklace against a green and brown backdrop? Its a divine vision and blessed is anyone who can see it. A vision of a lifetime that will stay across future lifetimes – only because we wanted it, had faith and were prepared to pay the costs and wait for it. That’s the way the Universe works. So Incomprehensible but so rewarding in the end. If you ask for the morning dew and have faith, time and patience, you will get your pearl necklace. So make the wish, keep the faith, and stay true in all other aspects of life – just get on with everything else in life the way you are supposed to and wait for the universe to make its turns. The universal garland will be within your reach.
Author’s note:. The use of the word “universe” is deliberate. I have avoided the use of the word “God” as it then adds on a religious flavour of its own which I wanted to avoid. Since I have used “Karma”, I had to chose the word universe meaning "Bramhand". If required, the word “universe” can be replaced by the word ‘God”. The message will remain the same. This has taken me a week to write and some things could only be explained by way of an example hence it may seem lengthy. Thank you for having the patience to read through this.
All events have to follow the law of Karma (briefly explained below)
No one can be made to bear what is unbearable in the final analysis (there may be times when this may appear to be so but will not be when the picture is complete)
The universe works like a necklace weaver. It threads together beads. And the beads are nothing but events in our lives (both big and small) that appear to be mutually exclusive (unconnected) but they are all leading us to our own destiny. It knows what we want but takes its time and tests our faith in its ability. It works in secrecy and never shows us all the beads that it has for us. The beads are the gains and the pains that we undergo to reach our destiny. Even before we know what we want at the end the universe knows and works on giving it to us. Yes, as we grow and experience things in our life and change as a result, our wants keep changing. The universe too keeps changing the beads to give us the necklace we want. Remember, the beads are events that happen in our lives – painful or joyful. We only see the beads in isolation….i.e. we think that most events are not related and have no idea about how they are being woven and start complaining or wish something against what the universe has planned for us. However, the events in our lives are not mutually exclusive (and this applies across past lives) and we are able to see how they are linked together only after the Universe has strung the seemingly unrelated events (both minor and major) together into a necklace for us.
It tests and reserves the very best of its necklaces to those that can stand the test. It’s a test of our faith we have in the Universe’s ability to give us the necklace we want. When it starts picking out the beads from its stock and threading them our test in its ability starts. It deliberately starts with the beads that bring us pain. It also keep throwing in the joyful beads in but the painful ones are made to stand out. Giving us an illusion that painful events are all linked but the joyful ones are random, doing its best to shake our faith. Once we lose the faith that at the end of it all the necklace we will get will balance out all the joys and sorrows and will be the one we so badly wanted in the first place, it turns away and moves on taking the remaining joyful beads that were in its hand but we never saw because we could not keep faith and did not have the patience to let it finish.
The painful beads are like the costs the Universe takes from us upfront for making the necklace type we asked for. Most of the costs come upfront. That is the test. If we start complaining about the costs already incurred and therefore do not think there will be enough gains (the joyful beads in the necklace) to justify the costs incurred we end up losing faith and end up losing what was destined for us. The universe gives up on us because we have given up on its ability to give us what we want.
It is a master weaver which ties neatly all the seemingly unconnected events in our lives into a neat necklace for us but all it asks for in return is patience and faith in its ability to do so. The universe makes it turns mysteriously and does things that are incomprehensible but it is always for the best of reasons. Imagine a master painter that we have commissioned to make a grand picture. The painter is expensive, extremely slow, and takes the money upfront (no refunds permitted) with no promise of a complete picture and with a take it or leave it deal. Worth it? What if the painter could read our thoughts and therefore had the capability of knowing exactly the picture we wanted even if we were unsure or were scared to admit. What if it is so happy with us for accepting, without complaining, all of its tough conditions that it actually paints a grander picture than we could have asked for? Worth it? Yes. Just remember the paint brush and the colors it uses are drawn from your faith in its ability. Lose them and the painting cant be completed. Only you don’t get to see what the final picture would have been. We are left with the smaller incomplete picture because that is what we saw and the bigger but complete picture disappears somewhere in this vast universe never to manifest in reality.
More often than not, when we give up, the substantial costs (events) have already been incurred and the painful events in our lives have already happened. What remains are the gains with minimal costs but we interfere in the Universe’s ability to create its miracles. It takes time to make the necklace you want and it does it using the string of your faith. Lose the faith, and the beads fall off just as they would if the string is taken off from a necklace. Only this time, we never get to see the beads (events) that the universe had in its hand for us in the future. All that remains with us is the cost. No refunds. Cost will not REFUND. Costs are yrs to keep without the balance of the gains that you could have in this life.
The costs are karmic which means they are meant to happen anyway as they are debts of past lives that have to be repaid but we cant and don’t see it that way. Only the universe can see all our past lives and the accumulated negative and the positive karma and therefore in order to give the necklace we want it has to balance out the negative karmas first. That’s the Law of Karma. That’s why the costs come first.
Remember the universe is bound by karmic law.. And therefore has to work slowly and surely so that it does not violate the two rules above. It cannot wish away your karmic debt, it has to ask you to repay them (incur costs). If you do not want the costs then in cant paint the picture you want for you. Therefore bear the incidents that happen in this life – they are part of the bigger picture which you will be able to see only when the picture is complete. Also remember that the Universe is also bound by rule 2 and it will compensate. Everything in the end will be worth it.
So the test is to see if you are worthy of receiving the beads (events) you want. The weak falter in this test and collapse and are left with the costs. The strong stay on patiently and watch the most spectacular things in their life take place. It’s like staying awake the whole night to watch the morning dew and then giving up and turning away just as the dawn breaks. Before you turn away just look behind once and you will see how the morning dewdrops from the green grass and the brown soil have been picked up and woven into a lovely necklace of precious pearls. Ever seen a white pearl necklace against a green and brown backdrop? Its a divine vision and blessed is anyone who can see it. A vision of a lifetime that will stay across future lifetimes – only because we wanted it, had faith and were prepared to pay the costs and wait for it. That’s the way the Universe works. So Incomprehensible but so rewarding in the end. If you ask for the morning dew and have faith, time and patience, you will get your pearl necklace. So make the wish, keep the faith, and stay true in all other aspects of life – just get on with everything else in life the way you are supposed to and wait for the universe to make its turns. The universal garland will be within your reach.
Author’s note:. The use of the word “universe” is deliberate. I have avoided the use of the word “God” as it then adds on a religious flavour of its own which I wanted to avoid. Since I have used “Karma”, I had to chose the word universe meaning "Bramhand". If required, the word “universe” can be replaced by the word ‘God”. The message will remain the same. This has taken me a week to write and some things could only be explained by way of an example hence it may seem lengthy. Thank you for having the patience to read through this.
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