Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Does God Play Dice ?

To a physicist, the universe is chance and all the events can be explained by the theory of probability. Like the Schrodinger’s cat experiment, (Read “In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat” by John Gribbin) all events are probabilities until they are seen to happen, when at that time they become deterministic events and the probabilities collapse. So the question that follows is that “Is God a mathematician”? Or to use the analogy of the question asked by physicists to Schrodinger when he put forward his quantum theory of “nothing happens until it is observed” - “Does God play dice ?”. (The theory of probability can be used to build an expectation of the likely results of throwing two dices and since it was put forward that the universe is a chance event and all the events in it were subject to the laws of probability, God was referred to as a dice player. So is God playing dice?

Let us look at things this way, if events in this universe are controlled by God, then the next question I am tempted to ask is that why does He bother? What is God’s purpose in first creating the 10 billion stars in the universe and then the vast space, and on our own planet earth the different life forms? And then, to create 6 billion people after that. Without going into any particular religious school of thought, doesn’t it seem too much of a botheration? Isn’t it simpler not to do anything? How much of the Universe has God created and how much of it is owing to the laws of physics? For e.g. Does God decide on the explosion of a star, or does the star collapses consistent with the laws of the physics? Same issue with light. It is a universal phenomena and appears to follow the laws of physics. Or is God just responsible for creation, and after that the created matter just lives and follows the laws of physics/nature. And then, what about the life forms? The more you think about it the more complex the whole creation becomes. Though we have near definite answers about the big bang but still one can always argue about where the matter came from. So did God create Himself first and then the matter that exploded giving us our universe? See how difficult it gets.

So does God play dice at all, and if he does, why does he play at all? Or is God just a beautiful creative energy that has to manifest itself into different forms otherwise the energy will cease to exist from lack of self expression?

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