Sunday, January 31, 2010

Whom to hit......that is the question

Nooriya Haveliwala. The drunk driver who ironically hit a police jeep on patrol to check drunken driving in Mumbai. And the irony of ironies is that her car also hit a biker who had been stopped by the police jeep for an alcohol breath test. It is irrelevant now whether the biker’s last breath had traces of alcohol in it or not. Even if he was drunk, he did not cause any accident, he was a victim.

So what happens now? We have come across a few cases of drunken driving in recent years, the famous BMW hit and run case that killed 6 people and Salman Khan himself (or was it his driver) that killed 5 road dwellers. The cases dragged on for several years. So how long will this take? Not seven years you dumbos !! This one will be handled differently. For the simple reason that Nooriya made the mistake of killing a police official. And as we all know, the police look after their kin. Extremely well. So don’t expect any technical “mistakes” in the police FIR or the blood samples. No duplicate or incomplete medical reports that will dilute the case. No witnesses here that will turn hostile. If the car is black, then it will be so written in the FIR. The public prosecution will do a job that will make Raja Harischandra and Ashoka the Great smile from the heavens. In record time, Nooriya will get the maximum punishment that she can be given. After all she killed a police official. No lawyer here will dare to broker a deal or buy off anybody here. If ever there will be a case produced before the court with all the crime agencies singing in the same tune it is this, it is this, it is this.
No mercy here. Already the police have announced the exact alcohol presence in her blood on the spot. Does anyone remember the police being so forthright in other cases? The police have said she will be charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, which is just a degree less than a murder charge. In a similar case in Delhi yesterday where a drunk driver ran his car over a pavement and killed 3 people, the police have registered a case of negligent driving. See what I mean? Besides, all these cases irritably become public because of these homeless people who have to sleep on the pavement. If not for them, it would simply be a case of the car losing control (not the driver mind you) and hitting a pole on the pavement because of a tyre burst or a pothole on the road. Then it would just involve a technicality of getting a police report that will permit the driver to get the insurance claim for the car damage. All this botheration is caused by people sleeping on the pavement. Maybe they should start sleeping on the roads instead. They seem to be safer as it seems the drunk have a habit of driving on the pavement.

She killed a police official. How unfortunate. If only she had the fortune of losing control elsewhere (if she had it in the first place) like driving over a pedestrian laden footpath and maybe driven over half a dozen of them, all would have been fine. Eyewitnesses would have then described the car as black, blue purple or orange depending on the money paid. The alcohol test report would have flaws in it. The blood sample would have been taken in such a way that a good lawyer would be able to question its authenticity. The case would drag on due to “technical mistakes” and the public prosecutor would ask for more time to close the case due to witnesses turning hostile, suffering from convenient partial amnesia or disappearing altogether. Oh yes, unlike in the other cases, the good thing is that the media need not get involved here to push the case. This case is going to run faster than Nooriya’s SUV. And as for that biker? No one even knows his name. Don’t bother about him. How can you be worried about the biker when a police official was killed at the same spot?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.