No this is not an investment plan. By now my blog readers would have come to expect a topic on spirituality rather than on anything commercial or economically related. Ever heard of a “spiritual accountant”?. Well you are listening to one right now. Years later, I see myself writing a book titled “Handbook of Spiritual Accounting” or something like that. Anyway, after that stupid boring accountant joke lets discuss something spiritual.
We all have a mission purpose of each life. This is not random but is carefully thought of by us (yes by our own selves – our soul since that is what we are, the body which most of us identify with ourselves is actually just a vehicular illusion – our soul is our real self) helped (guided) of course by our patient guides. Its our life plan. It has an overall purpose, has growth lessons for us and is linked in with the life plans of our several soul mates who incarnate at the same time.
Most people think of soul mate as a “physical” mate, but that is not true. We all are part of a soul group and have several soul mates with whom we have karmic lessons (issues) to resolve and they are the ones who are closest to us. So our friends, partners, children, relatives are all soul mates – some closer than others. The concept of a true soul mate (as a lover) as people understand is actually a “twin flame or twin soul” which is the other half of our soul split into two by God (and joined by God when we learn unconditional love).
Soul mates are important because we enter into pre birth purposes with them and they help us reach our life lessons. At the same our interactions and experiences with them help them reach their life’s lessons as well. So its mutual and complicated as it means several lives are linked to each other through a web of complex relationships and therefore even if we know our life’s plan (this is generally difficult) we would not be able to figure out how it links into the plan of others. But the Universe knows it all. And the Universal plan as drafted for us in this life represents the best that is for us. So how do we ensure that we achieve that “plan” in this lifetime ? Simply put, do nothing. Well, not exactly nothing, but listen to that inner voice and let it unfold in its own time. Our life comprises lessons and events that unfold not always in a chronological order. Lessons and events closely follow each other throughout our lives. As we learn each lesson events are triggered and our life unfolds. More often, because of the modern day phenomenon of getting the maximum and the best out of life we try and grab the “events” even before we have learnt the lessons. Its all about winning and maximizing earnings, and getting (grabbing) more of everything that we perceive to be “good”. The more we get the better. Life is all about accumulation – of wealth, greed, selfishness and always getting the better of others.
So how do we recognize that inner voice? The inner voice instructions are loving positive and are for the greater goodness of all. It will always make us analyze the consequences of our actions on others. This is to be distinguished from the other “inner voice” which is the voice of our EGO which pushes us to act for our own selfishness. The EGO voice is impulsive and pushes us to take immediate decisions based on fear or greed and of course keeps changing. The real inner voice is patient and reasons out because it wants you to master the lesson(s) associated with the challenge you have in front of you and then act so that the life plan unfolds as it is meant to be. Most people who follow the voice of the ego are selfish, lead a chaotic life because they are misled and keep changing their decisions and views quite often. They don’t really understand life’s lessons nor do they develop any ability to analyze life’s challenges and learn from them and the ego mind keeps getting bigger and bigger. As a result these people are less spiritual.
So listen to that real “inner voice”. It is loving, positive and has a calming influence. Our life plan is a rough outline only and the finer details have to be filled in by us (free will) as we go on though life. Listening to the inner voice means patience as we wait for the life’s lessons to unfold and the resulting events so that our life plan goes as planned. Often in our zeal to get what we want quickly in our lives we push ourselves and the situations around us and end up interfering with the process. Our life will present itself in the way it is meant to be. Events and lessons will take place so that destiny takes its effect. Whenever we are at crossroads, we will be “guided” if we are so aware and patient to walk the road that is for the higher good. Listen to the ego and you are likely to astray as it will force you to make an impulsive decision based only upon your own selfish needs. Since we all part of the same universal consciousness and our lives and life plans and development of others are linked, actions based on our selfish greedy inner voices cannot lead us to our real life plan.
The Universal Plan is indeed the divine plan for us and unfolds gradually with divine timing. We need to follow it patiently and with goodness in our heart. If in order to satisfy our needs, we reach out and grab the grapes, they are always sour, because they were plucked before time. But if you wait for them to fall into your lap, they are ripe and perfect. That is how the Universal Plan unfolds in our lives. With divine timing. Interfere with the plan or the timing and we get less of what we are destined to have. So let the Universal plan take over. You get maximum returns that way. So it is a good plan to invest in after all.
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