Monday, January 19, 2009

Visualisation and the art of manifesting your dreams

Visualisation is based upon the law of Cause and Effect, and whatever you see and believe forms a mould for your outer reality. If you meditate for a few minutes on what you want then it WILL manifest itself in reality and events will happen that will take you there. Just keeping the vision alive in your mind is enough. What is important is that this meditation and the vision in the mind should not disturbed with any negative thoughts at all.

If you hold on to your faith and dreams, anything you see will eventually become a physical reality. However, if the faith waivers or your dreams shift from one image to another, your reality will reflect this fear and confusion.

Manifestation of a vision involves allowing your dreams to flow from your inner mind’s eye to the other world. As you are manifesting, pay no attention to the seeming obstacles that may pop up or else the flow of direction will reverse. In other words, you will use pictures from the outer world to influence the pictures in your mind’s inner eye.

Our thoughts are messengers and magnets. Guard them carefully and only choose thoughts of love and success. In this way, you ensure that you attract only love and success. Our doubts influence the outcome in a negative way.

Manifestation requires faith. Usually, we have more faith that our fears will turn into reality than we have faith in our happy dreams becoming real. The only reason that manifestation becomes difficult is that sometimes we feel that we must strain to make our dreams come true. It is enough to know it will occur and keep the vision alive and not let it interfere with negative events that may happen. With time, events will start happening that will bring the reality.

Visualisations can instantly out-picture into reality if our minds accept this as a possibility. However, when we feel afraid or undeserving of an image coming true, we often try to force the dream into reality. Our visualizations then tend to become pressure filled and tense. The tension blocks the reality. The trick is to surrender to the firm vision and then let it go completely, it will come about. We can create whatever we desire. Whatever we concentrate upon always out-pictures in the physical plane. This is the basic Law of cause and Effect.

So if you want something to happen, keep that image alive. Don't put pressure on it, just surrender to it completely. Like breathing. At the same time do not think how events could prevent it from happening. When you do that you actually create such events and this will either delay or prevent your ultimate goal from happening. So along your ultimate goal, if you do not want certain (negative) things from happening, then don't think about them at all and they will not happen. And, also no need for any tests or tossing a coin to see if it will happen or not. Testing teh outcome means there is doubt in your mind and this doubt will interfere with the outcome. Also, if the result of the test is negative then doubt will enter your mind (whether you are aware or not) and will influence the outcome in a negative way.

Positive thoughts, positive energies, positive outcome. Yes, we can get what we want if we want it !! It's all in the mind. And one day like magic its all out in the physical world as reality. Abra cadabra.

1 comment:

Bhavana Shukla said...

Truly agree with what you want to convey.I think its always a conflict of our brain and heart which deters us to manifest our visualised dreams.Our brain says focus,look at the bulls eye and on the other hand our heart makes us a little weak compeling us to think of the consequences on our dearest ones if we fail at all.Its only when the brain selfishly focusses and overpowers the heart then visualisation transforms into manifestation.A very good post thouroghly enjoyed reading it !I liked the title a lot !